• Name: Xegapralá.
• Mantra: Wegakuyefu Koro.
• Type: Servant.
• Path: Timekeeper
• Main Functions:
— calm disputes with neighbours;
— report neighbours who are breaking the law and causing you problems;
— define boundaries;
— prevent gossiping neighbours from reaching you or obtaining information about your life;
— stop people from entering your home without your consent;
— establish well-defined astral fences in your space, your room, or your house;
— reduce noise from neighbours;
— make unbearable neighbours move away.
• Secondary Functions: create friendships, bonds, or agreements between neighbours who need to understand each other.
Draw up a contract with Xegapralá, stating what you desire and how this neighbour troubles you.
Collect a broom, cleansing incense, and a black candle (if unavailable, a white candle may be used).
Consecrate everything with consecration oil or olive oil.
Sweep your house saying: Xegapralá (neighbour's name), 8 times.
Continue sweeping while chanting: Wegakuyefu Koro, 8 times.
Burn the target's (neighbour's) name on the black candle or in a cauldron.
Carry out the final banishment.
Store the broom behind a door.
• Payment: Public thanks.
• Activate with Cortana for difficult cases.
• Activate with Konspet to address loud music from a neighbour.
• Activate with Kia to protect your home.
• Activate with Justine to obtain justice in cases involving a neighbour.
Have you got an annoying neighbour? Someone who excessively bothers you? Have they crossed the line with you? Do you need to define your space? Then, it's the ideal time to give your target a Xegapralá.