Name: Speculos.
Mantra: Art, magic, and freedom.
Type: Servant.
Functions: To protect, assist, learn from, and teach all Specularis and friends of the egregore.
Contract: A mirror must be consecrated for Specula.
Invocation: Simply call upon him or think of him.
o Blink while looking at him or when reading anything from the Specula website.
o Watch the videos and participate in the Specula forum.
o Swim while thinking of him.
o Offer him water.
o Look into a mirror with his sigil.
o Talk to mirrors.
o Meditate thinking he is above your third eye.
Feeding: Light white or blue candles.
How to banish: Break the mirror consecrated for Specula or tear/burn the personal contract made with him.
Speculos is a public servant, available for use by anyone. He is the protector and guardian of Specula and the Specularis. Specula, from Latin meaning "the set of all mirrors," is the egregore that encompasses all related concepts. In other words, Specula is the name of the philosophy, the network, the art, the sum of the minds and powers of all involved.
Oracle: When Speculos appears in a reading, it suggests that you should be more observant of your surroundings and take care. Be mindful of your protection.
Elements: Water and earth.
Magical objects: Swords, eyes, mirrors, flowers, time-turners, and oracles in general.
Skills: Sharp vision and hearing, reads minds, consistently performs facial reading, and recognizes lies from afar. He is the guardian of all knowledge he encounters and always stays updated. He has a profound respect for what he knows exists but cannot see.
Animals: Octopuses, jellyfish, and horses.
Hobbies: Reading and observing people who do not seek him.
Colours: Blue, black, green, gold, and silver.
Days of the week: Monday and Wednesday.
Best Moon: All, especially the waning and dark moon.
Curses: He causes any curse or ill intention directed at the Specularis to return to the sender. Knowing everything about those who try to enter the place, he can confuse the minds of those with bad intentions, potentially driving them to madness. Speculos can imprison the enemies of the Specularis in astral mirrored boxes, where they are trapped in their mental obsessions, yet unable to harm anyone.