Name: Ronda.
Mantra: Re Hedtu Rogne.
Type: Servant.
Path: Loremage.
Function: To find financial opportunities.
Contract: Make the contract on a paper with her sigil and keep it in a drawer.
Nutrition: Ronda feeds on the capitalist system itself and will live as long as capitalism does (in other words, a necessary evil). She also feeds on yellow candles, attention, orange cake (don't ask me why, I felt I should include this in the contract), and the song Golden Lust. She works very well with Speculos, as while he helps the magician by bringing knowledge and easing the magical journey, Ronda brings economic knowledge. Ronda also opens paths for the famous "word-of-mouth" recommendations.
Banishments: Excessive spending. Use in banishment to stay on track and not spend more than you earn, to control debts and credit cards.
How to banish: Tear up the contract and bury or burn it.
Link to the music:
Programmed to look for financial opportunities that you cannot see, find random money that may be near you, and open paths related to wealth.
You can set it as a screensaver, tie a yellow ribbon with Ronda written on it when leaving the house, in job interviews, etc. Ronda will scan your life and will be like your personal financial coach.
Hobbies: Studying economics, financial trends, and the job market.
Personality: Ronda channels the energy of Golden Lust and golden energy, so she is very upbeat, sometimes even too much, very motivated, wants everything yesterday, keeps pushing you to have high productivity, and likes working with lists. Oh, make a list with Ronda and you'll probably feel extra happy. Ronda enjoys zouk dance classes and is visionary, sometimes, you might not quite understand what she means. So, offer her a glass of cold water to calm down her ideas and balance her.
• Number: 8.
• Curiosity: Ronda is married to Lux.